
Mightyverse is a growing community of people who love sharing their language and exploring other cultures. We believe that language is more than grammar and vocabulary and that the phrase is the fundamental unit of language. Language is metaphor and most of what we say defies direct translation. Since we value individual expression, we have built Mightyverse so that native language speakers can contribute short videos of spoken phrases to inspire and teach people to expand what they can say in another language.

Mightyverse Beliefs:
Language is your ticket to another world.
We communicate more than just the words we speak.
Speaking is translation of thought.
All translation is subjective.
We value individual expression.
Wisdom is encoded in language.
When we lose languages, we lose knowledge.
No one owns language.
There is no proper language.
Language evolves.
Language is more than grammar and vocabulary.
Language is metaphor.
To understand language, we must understand culture.
It’s a sign of respect to speak someone else’s language.
To communicate with anyone you meet should be a universal right.

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