Monthly Archives: January 2010

いろいろ選べるようになります。- サンドイッチ編

Saigon Sandwich

Saigon Sandwich

前回のコーヒ編はお役に立ったでしょうか? 今回は、サンドイッチの注文の仕方を紹介したいと思います。アメリカでは、サンドイッチを注文する時に、パンの種類やマヨネーズの有無などを指定できます。


“All Sandwiches Served with Homemade Fries or Fresh Green Salad.
Also Served with your choice of Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onions, Pickles.
Available on Freshly Baked Bread Including French, Wheat, Sourdough, and Dutch Crunch.”


  1. どのサンドイッチにするのか
  2. パンの種類
    (French, Wheat, Sourdough, Dutch Crunch – フランスパン、麦芽パン、サワードパン、ダッチクランチ)
  3. マヨネーズ無
    (no mayo – マヨネーズ無し)
  4. マスタード無
    (no mustard – マスタード無し)
  5. マスタードの種類
    (dijon mustard, mustard – ディジョンマスタード、マスタード)
  6. トマト無
    (no tomato – トマト無し)
  7. レタス無
    (no lettuce – レタス無し)
  8. ピクルス無
    (no pickles – ピクルス無し)
  9. タマネギ無し
    (no onion – タマネギ無し)
  10. チーズの種類
    ( American, Cheddar, Jack or Swiss cheese – アメリカンチーズ、チェダーチーズ、ジャックチーズ、又は、スイスチーズ)

Could I have a Corned Beef on Rye?

Can I have a Turkey on wheat, no mayo, everything else?

Can I have a BLT with Avocado and Swiss?




“What kind of cheese?”



Do you sell sandwiches here?

— サンフランシスコのお店 —


Four Barrel Coffee
コーヒー編で紹介したFour Barrel Coffeeは、Valencia streetの14th street と15 streetの間にあります。とてもオープンで、モダンなカフェです。ドーナッツや、クロワッサンなども美味しいので、Mission地区付近を散策した時に休憩代わりに立ち寄って見られたらいかがでしょうか。

Ike’s Place
サンドイッチのメニューで、紹介したIke’s place には、個人的に、立ち寄ったことが無いので、お味の方は分かりませんが、サンドイッチとハンバーガー 、自家製のソースで人気はあるようです。Castoro地区にあります。

Saigon Sandwich
Saigon Sandowitch(サイゴンサンドイッチ)は、ベトナムスタイルのサンドイッチです。サンフランシスコに来られたおりには是非食べてください。とても美味しいうえにお手頃なお値段です。Civic Center/Tenderloin地区にあります。

いろいろと選択できるようになります。- コーヒー編

A latte and an Aalmond croissant from Four Barrel Caffee

Four Barrel Coffeeのカフェラテとアーモンドクロワッサン




  1. サイズ
    (large, medium, small -  大、中、小)
  2. カフェイン入り/無し
    (regular, decaf − レギュラー、ディカフ)
  3. ミルクの種類
    (cream, milk, half & half, soy, low-fat, non-fat - クリーム、普通の牛乳、半分牛乳で半分クリーム、豆乳、低脂肪乳、無脂肪乳)
  4. コーヒーの種類
    (latte, Espresso – カフェラテ、エスプレッソ)


Can I have a medium coffee?

Could you get me a large decaf coffee?

ラージサイズのディカフの 低脂肪乳のカフェラテを頼む時
Could I have a large decaf low-fat latte?




A Word is Not a Sparrow

A New Phraselist, Russian Phrases for Arianna

Arianna, Mightyverse curator, QA fanatic and rabid Farsi learner, heads out on vacation on Thursday. Tonight we cooked up a batch of phrases for her and her sister to use on their first trip to Russia. She has been working long hours this past month and is now taking time off to travel with her doppelganger twin sister in the freezing Moscow winter cold. They cause all sorts of confusion while traveling by dressing alike and pretending to be 1 person, a super thrifty trick twins everywhere use to pay single room rates in hotels and save money at all you can eat buffets.

Hopefully they’ll find great uses for “A word is not a sparrow…” and “We will be making fresh mushroom soup in the evening”. Bon Voyage Arianna!

Even Monkeys Fall from Trees

Monkey waiting to fall

Monkey waiting to fall

This week we have a nice selection of Japanese proverbs, courtesy of Mitsuhito Fujita, our friend (and wonderful Mightyverse engineer) in Japan. Fujita-san recited these proverbs from memory, and they should be familiar to most native Japanese speakers. They were recorded across from his office at Knowledgelink in the Akasaka prefecture in Tokyo, on a very hot Summer day, with the sound of cicadas almost drowning his voice.
Proverbs and idiomatic expressions have been shown to be some of the hardest aspects of language for non-native speakers to learn. How often have you, or a friend mangled a proverb to humorous effect in a language you don’t speak?

The study of proverbs is called “Paremiology” and is a rich area of research for people studying language and the mind.

From Wikipedia:
“Proverbs are found in many parts of the world, but some areas seem to have richer stores of proverbs than others (such as West Africa), while others have hardly any (North and South America) (Mieder 2004:108,109).
Proverbs are often borrowed across lines of language, religion, and even time. For example, a proverb of the approximate form “No flies enter a mouth that is shut” is currently found in Spain, Ethiopia, and many countries in between. It is embraced as a true local proverb in many places and should not be excluded in any collection of proverbs because it is shared by the neighbors. However, though it has gone through multiple languages and millennia, the proverb can be traced back to an ancient Babylonian proverb (Pritchard 1958:146).
Proverbs are used by speakers for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they are used as a way of saying something gently, in a veiled way (Obeng 1996). Other times, they are used to carry more weight in a discussion, a weak person is able to enlist the tradition of the ancestors to support his position. Proverbs can also be used to simply make a conversation/discussion more lively. In many parts of the world, the use of proverbs is a mark of being a good orator.
The study of proverbs has application in a number of fields. Clearly, those who study folklore and literature are interested in them, but scholars from a variety of fields have found ways to profitably incorporate the study proverbs. For example, they have been used to study abstract reasoning of children, acculturation of immigrants, intelligence, the differing mental processes in mental illness, cultural themes, etc. Proverbs have also been incorporated into the strategies of social workers, teachers, preachers, and even politicians.”

We are excited to present this small selection of Japanese proverbs for people looking for another entry point into Japanese culture and language.

Monkeys do fall from trees

Learn how to say “Even monkeys fall from trees”